2024 Year-End NYC Office Market Analysis & Insights

Photo courtesy of Arthur Brognoli
2024 Year-End NYC Office Market Analysis & Insights reports on rental prices and leasing strategies. It will help you:
NYC Office Market Leasing Statistics
The Cost of Renting an Office in Popular NYC Neighborhoods*

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Grand Central– $55.24. 38th- 47th Street & Fifth- Second Avenue. Special Report: Small office near Grand Central Station
Plaza– $63.62. 47th- 65th Street & Fifth Avenue- East River. Special Report: Rockefeller Center Office Sublease
Columbus Circle- $57.21. 50th- 65th Street & Sixth Avenue- Hudson River
Time Square- $57.24. 50th- 42nd Street & Fifth Avenue- East River
Penn Station/Fashion– $42.78. 30th- 42nd Street & Fifth Avenue- Hudson River. Special Report: Penn Station Office for Rent and Hudson Yards Office Sublease and PENN 1 Office Sublease
Murray Hill- $47.63. 38th- 30th Street & Fifth Avenue- River
U.N. Plaza- $56.63. 48th- 38th Street & Second Avenue- East River
Chelsea- $47.51. 12th- 30th Street & Fifth Avenue- Hudson River. Special Report:
Grammercy Park- $70.63. 12th- 30th Street & Fifth Avenue- East River. Special Report: Best Gramercy Park NY Offices for Growing AI and Tech Companies
Greenwich Village- $65.33. 12th- East Houston Street & Sixth Avenue- River
Soho- $54.22. East Houston- Canal Street & Sixth Avenue- East River. Special Report: Cost of Renting a SOHO Office
Hudson Square- $54.07. 12th- Canal Street & Sixth Avenue- River
Tribeca- $58.90. Murray- Canal Street & Church Street- Hudson River
City Hall $42.32. Canal- Vesey Street & Chuhttps://rentnyoffice.com/prestige-offices-trumps-40-wall-street/rch Street- East River. Special Report: Law Office for Lease Near the NY Courts
Financial- $54.60. South Street- Maiden Lane & Broadway- East River. Special Report: Prestige Office Space at Trump’s 40 Wall Street
Insurance- $42.40. Brooklyn Bridge- Liberty Street & Broadway- East River.
World Trade Center- $49.94. Murray- State Street & Broadway- Hudson River. Special Report: A Guide to the Top Office Buildings in Downtown NYC
Upper Eastside- $106.12. 110th- 65th Street & Fifth Avenue- East River
Upper Westside- $–.–. Cathedral Parkway- 66th Street & Central Park West- Hudson River
Harlem/North Manhattan- $48.45. Inwood Park- 110th Street & Harlem- Hudson River
Bronx- $29.48.
Brooklyn- $39.64.
Queens- $40.41.
Staten Island- $45.20.
*Weighted average across NYC Office Market neighborhood buildings as of 1/02/2025.
6 Important Trends Impacting Tenants in the New York City Office Market

Photo courtesy of Next Voyage
(1) Tenants hold the upper hand in negotiations for both new leases and lease renewals.
(2) Building owners face strong competition to lease out vacant spaces.
(3) Shorter lease terms of 3 years are now common.
(4) Successful companies are relocating to luxurious offices. Elite properties offer onsite amenities and Leasing Incentives that include: (a) newly prebuilt offices; (b) rent concessions; and (c) cash payments for custom office construction.
(5) Rent discounts are being used to attract Tenants to mid-tier buildings.
(6) Furnished move-in ready offices are now offered by some Landlords.
Cogent Realty Advisors is a licensed NO FEE real estate broker that represents companies that lease office space. Contact us for help finding and negotiating your next lease. (212) 509-4049.
NYC Office Market News
The NYC office market was full of surprises — both good and bad — in 2024
Finding the Perfect NYC Office Space is a Big Decision
♦ Cogent Realty Advisors is a licensed New York State commercial realtor founded in 2002.
♦ Cogent Realty represents the interests of commercial Tenants that rent office space.
♦ Tenants pay NO FEE when using our service.
♦ Cogent provides objective expertise in finding office space and negotiating lease agreements.
♦ Cogent will secure the optimal office space for you with the best terms and pricing.
For help with your office real estate, contact: Mitchell Waldman: (212) 509-4049
#2024Year-EndNYCOfficeMarketAnalysisand Insights