Rent an Office on Wall Street

Renting an office on Wall Street

Rent an Office on Wall Street  If your business plans to rent an office on Wall Street, the information that follows will help you understand the market. Although Wall Street is still regarded the world-over as a capital of finance, the number of financial businesses and buildings catering to them has diminished. As of 2013, of…

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Discounted Offices for Rent in Downtown NYC

Discounted Offices for Rent in Downtown NYC If you are looking for discounted offices for rent in downtown NYC, Q4 2013 is presenting some great opportunities. Many Landlords are strongly motivated to lease space at years ‘end because this is an historically slow period for new business.          At centrally located 150…

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Downtown Broadway Office Buildings are Increasing Rents

Downtown Broadway Office Buildings

 Downtown Broadway Office Buildings are Increasing Rents Downtown Broadway office buildings are increasing their rents in response to strong demand and diminishing inventory. Many buildings are reporting strong interest from midtown businesses looking for affordable office space coupled with easy access to transportation from the Fulton Transit Center. This summer at Silverstein Properties’ 120 Broadway…

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Lower Manhattan Transportation Revitalization Provides Easy Access to Offices

Lower Manhattan Transportation Revitalization

Lower Manhattan Transportation Revitalization To Improve Access to Offices   The $1.4 billion downtown Fulton Transportation Hub, recently renamed Fulton Center, is on schedule to be completed in June 2014. This monumental project which began in February of 2005, will dramatically improve transportation for workers and residents by providing easier access, seamless transfers and new and…

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Best Office Space For Tech & Media Companies Downtown NYC

Best Office Space For Tech & Media Companies Downtown NYC

Best Office Space for Tech and Media Companies Downtown NYC Downtown NYC provides an excellent venue for tech and media companies because of its existing communications infrastructure. In the past many offices were occupied by financial firms that required high-speed communications. Beginning in 1996 these buildings were upgraded for the “Plug and Go” program which…

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Rental Rates for Office Space in Downtown NYC

Rental Rates for Office Space in Downtown NYC

Rental Rates for Office Space in Downtown NYC River-to-River it’s the best value. By mid-year 2013 the average asking rental rates for office space in downtown NYC was $40.52 per square foot (PSF). Downtown includes the World Trade Center, Financial and Insurance District, City Hall and Tribeca. In reality this number has been distorted by…

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