Downtown NYC Offices for Rent
Downtown NYC Offices for Rent
The information provided here about Downtown NYC Offices for Rent was compiled in August 2015. Contact Cogent Realty Advisors for updated information: (212) 509-4049. Cogent is a NO FEE Tenant Representation Broker.
BY THE NUMBERS… Downtown NYC Offices for Rent
The sub-markets examined include the World Trade Center, Insurance District and Financial District. Costar, the Commercial Real Estate Information Company, reports that at the end of the second quarter of 2015 the average asking rent was $49.20 per rentable square foot (RSF) with 83.4% of the available space occupied. As the adjacent graph shows, the market is approaching its historic peak which occurred in the third quarter of 2008 when average rents were $52.51 PSF and occupancy stood at 91.9%. The addition of new office inventory at the World Trade Centers is skewing current average rental rates upward (more expensive) and is also increasing the vacancy factor.
Sample Downtown NYC Offices for Rent
State-of-the-art in every sense of the word. For details link here. Asking rents from $75.00 PSF (US$807 SQM).
Save even more when you move downtown!
Lower Manhattan’s Commercial Revitalization Plan can provide eligible businesses that relocate to qualified buildings a total rent credit of up to $10.00 per rentable square foot. For details link here.