Renting an Office near City Hall and the Courts in NYC

Renting an Office Near City Hall and the Courts in NYC

Renting an office near City Hall & Courtsi n NYC

Renting an office near City Hall & Courts in NYC

Companies that are planning on renting an office near City Hall and the Courts in NYC will find that: (1) vacant office inventory is scarce; (2) this sub-market contains the highest concentration of small law firms in NYC; and (3) the majority of buildings are pre-war and rated as Class B or C quality.




 Scarce Inventory Makes Renting an Office More Expensive

 As the graph demonstrates, the current vacancy rate in buildings located within the boundaries of Vesey to Canal Street and Church to Lafayette Street is 2%. And renting an office here has become more expensive: today’s average asking price is $42.80 PSF compared to $34.60 in 2010. This mirrors the trends throughout NYC where rental rates have increase as the economy emerged from the recession. Additionally, City Hall Landlords have always benefited from “captive” lawyers that must have an office within walking distance of the courts and municipal buildings.



Renting an Office: Comparing Sample Buildings 


Class & SF

Asking Rent


217 Broadway

B & 112,000 


Elegant , professional tenants

225 Broadway

B & 516,600

$38- 45

Busy, mostly legal services

233 Broadway

A & 935,633


Landmark, top quality, diverse tenants

11 Park Place

B & 205,000


Good value, side street

86 Chambers St.

B & 462,000



299 Broadway

B & 231,200


Corner, diverse tenants

401 Broadway

B & 230,200


Legal, SOHO creative & Asian businesses


Strategy for Renting an Office in a Highly Competitive Market
Renting an office

Visit this Park when
Renting an Office Near
City Hall and the Courts

Renting an office in a highly competitive market is best accomplished by using a knowledgeable licensed Broker that can identify the best office spaces for your business and negotiate the most advantageous lease. Cogent Realty Advisors is a Tenant Representation firm with over 15 years of experience. Contact Mitchell Waldman today: (212) 509-4049.